Could Britain have a coherent written constitution?
It seems probable that it would have a Christianity-shaped hole at its core
This vision glorious
Let us allow the glory of Easter to touch our daily lives
Britain will not be a “Christian country” without Christians
Traditions die if there is no one to cherish them
Maligning the missionaries
Should the Church of England regret the promotion of Christianity?
The death of charity?
The decline of religion and the fraying of our social fabric has made us meaner
Is Britain a Christian country?
The UK has an established religion alright — the worship of the self
Why we should question the charge of “Islamophobia”
Valid criticism of beliefs and behaviour should not be equated with hateful bigotry
The Conservatives should not cancel Christians
A Conservative party that demonises Christian convictions will cease to be conservative
The case for Christian converts
Don’t let allegedly bogus conversions cause you to forget that real ones exist
How can we pay for our cathedrals?
Critics of silent discos in Canterbury Cathedral are silent on how to fund our churches