Rock and Roll
Whole lotta Love
She makes your average rapper look like a Quaker
Rock as ritual
Just as Taylor has nailed the emotional lexicon of her people, Finn has nailed it for his
Sharp dressed man
Nick Cave sounds as good as ever
Irritatingly glib take on a golden year
Stanfield adds little to the history of rock that hasn’t been said better elsewhere
Bach in town
We need more classical music in public spaces
Rolling back into town
The world’s greatest band return to Liverpool — do they still have it?
Drum fast, die young?
Taylor Hawkins is not the only drummer to meet with an early grave
Imagine John hadn’t died
It’s easy if you try
Maybe not Yes
With only two remaining members from the classic 70s lineup, a lot is riding on the band’s new album The Quest
The year the music died
It was 40 years ago today: the magnificent swansong of rock and roll