Roderic Fenwick Owen
A life indecently full of fun and games
This is not a journey you will find in most accounts of the twentieth century
Tom Stoppard’s Hampstead drama
Best not try to memorise this deceptive Connect Four of relationships — just get into the flow
Look on our works, ye voters, and despair
Nothing beside remains except the colossal wreck of the Tory Party
A broken Reed
Who did Steve Reed MP annoy to be sent to face the outrage of the farmers?
Booty contest
This book sets out to rebalance ahistorical narratives of how museum collections were constructed
Why shouldn’t we discriminate against people’s beliefs?
It is not the same as discriminating on the basis of race or sex
Take a bow
This season’s must-have neckwear is a sartorial two-fingered salute to life
Do our leaders understand the power grid at all?
It seems as if basic facts are being completely ignored
Explaining the Boriswave
How and why the Conservatives betrayed their voters on immigration
Gunther Fehlinger-Jahn, European
Where does shitposting end and statesmanship begin?