soap opera
Soft soaping suicide
Emmerdale’s coverage of assisted suicide was disturbing
Get smartphones out of school
Young people desperately need a break from social media
The NHS need not depend on immigration
The shortage of British trainees is the result of a political choice
Gender identity ideology is undermining healthcare
There is nothing “gender-affirming” about having cancer
In defence of hereditary peers
Starmer’s spiteful plan for the Lords breaks an important intergenerational contract
Weren’t the grownups meant to be back in charge?
Shallow managerialism has failed us already
The right-on, left-wing oppressors
A flaw in the design of academic studies makes the Left appear less authoritarian than the Right
Recreational rioting
Is your right an existential threat to the nation or just blowing off steam? It depends on which flag you’re waving
Enthralling eclecticism
Roberto Gerhard: Don Quixote, &c. (Chandos)