
Christopher North joins the devoted cult of the elegant, enigmatic bullfighter José Tomás

The sport is now characterised by the conditioned reflex of dishonesty, the bleating of the wronged

Music has lost its unpredictability, its thrilling fear while sport’s passion shines, says Norman Lebrecht

Heaven is the Outer-Hebrides – with the electric jolt of the sea trout on the line

Despite a mass public campaign, Kevin Sinfield hasn’t received a knighthood this year. It comes as no surprise to rugby league fans

A separate channel dedicated to British sport could have saved the BBC

Argentina is as sad as it’s ever been after the death of legendary footballer Diego Maradona

Nick Cohen is badly bitten by the cross-country bug

Nick Cohen says silent sport needs crowds to give it meaning

ASH Smyth remembers Ben Cross, Harold Abrahams, and the impact Chariots of Fire had on his 10-year-old self