Statue Toppling
A new front in the memory wars
We should celebrate achievements, not just condemn vice
The Colston 4 and the fog of law
The politicised trial of the Bristol statue topplers shows the law surrounding protests is mired in confusion
Winning the culture war in the American South
American conservatives have tried a new technique to team the statue-toppling social justice warriors dominating universities
What is truth? The ethics of memorials
A poorly-researched rush to judgement in both Oxford and Cambridge may not have served campaigners well
Imperial misdemeanours
Getting at the truth about T H Huxley
A gap-toothed city
The campaign to put up a statue to Bristol’s greatest benefactor wasn’t about Colston, it was about Bristol
O blind new world
Behind modernity’s moralistic exhortations lies a cold-blooded mania for total control
Toppling law and order
The moment Colston went on trial, so did justice
The name’s gone
Society needs to end the charade of delegating moral judgments on historic benefactors to schoolchildren
Orwell: my self-help guru
Slavery should be reinstated so that it can be abolished by a queer woman of colour