The Shining (Film)
Why does The Shining still scare us?
A large part of its appeal revolves around a simple fact, it is utterly terrifying
Towards a shared Englishness
There is a third way between civic nationalism and ethno-nationalism
Is Donald Trump the new Hillary Clinton?
His campaign is failing to reach out to enough voters
Ireland’s forgotten wine history
Put down that pint glass and reach for a bottle
Towards a hospitable environmentalism
Green ideas must transcend misanthropy and austerity
The great British giveaway
The handover of the Chagos Islands reflects a wider lack of realism in UK foreign policy
The vital few
A new book explores the importance, as well as the dangers, of risk
What is behind the ECHR debate?
We should stop pretending that moral disagreements can be reduced to technical debates
The expensive problem with the minimum wage
Higher wages for some, perhaps, but joblessness for others
The 300 Years’ War
How conflict over land ownership shaped conflict over Ireland