When breast isn’t best
A major maternity support group is at war with its trustees over its insistence that men should be enabled to breastfeed
Why did the Eye look away?
Surely a title known for investigative journalism would be concerned by a series of trans scandals
A sound of Rowling thunder
Scotland’s government and police seem determined to turn themselves into a laughing stock
He’s not the messiah, he’s a transwoman
Transsexual Apostate is a disturbing book, written for disturbing times
The W-word
The idea that the sex of a person is simply a matter of choice is a giant ideological lie
Turning a blind eye to a tilted playing field
Not only is it a page-turner, it’s also an essential manual for defending women’s sport
Frock right off
Dresses, dogs and dinner
When sex matters more than gender identity
Research proves that outcomes can be very different
Why drag is not the same as pantomime
In pantomime, we know that people are pretending
Do women-only sports categories matter if you’re rubbish?
You don’t have to excel at something for it to be important to your identity