
The ruling that under 16s should be assumed unable to consent to puberty blockers means that this unregulated experiment may finally be drawing to a close

Those who are invested in being ‘on the right side of history’ might like to reflect on yesterday’s judgement

What are we supposed to do when “Brenda the sheep” gets hungry?

Human rights organisations in Ireland are calling for the disenfranchisement of those who do not share their political views

Dominic Green on the history of transvestites, transsexuals and transgender

Emily Wheater and Ellen Pasternack say the gender change lobby is failing young people who change their mind

The great scholars of the Middle Ages had their own word for Trans

A judicial review has been brought to challenge HMPPS policy which allows men who identify as women to mix with female prisoners

Scotland’s Hate Crime Bill criminalises insulting language – even if nobody heard it outside your own living room

By changing the way that people speak, we will be able to fix all the bad thoughts that exist inside people’s heads