Viscount Montgomery
The week the war ended
Seventy-five years ago this month, peace finally came to a destroyed Europe
The desert martinet
Viscount Montgomery: tactless, arrogant and with no instinct for politics
Some picture-perfect restorations
What we were seeing looked as good as it would have at its premiere
Only the truly privileged can be cultural relativists
It is easy not to judge appalling cultural practices from a distance
The future that never came
Post-war London was saved from a modernist masterplan
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We found the prawns you so thoughtfully left behind the radiator, but there’s still something here, isn’t there?
Land of slippery slopes
Does anybody really believe assisted suicide will stop at the terminally ill?
Don’t Cry for Me, Diego Garcia
A small island is in trouble, foreigners are probably up to no good, and the Tories are yomping to the rescue
Don’t patronise female students
It’s insulting to think that women have to be treated with kid gloves
Boris: the PM who could do no wrong
This must be in competition for the most inaccurate work of non-fiction since … well, since Johnson’s last book
What is Toryism for?
What has it done if it has not made a system it wishes to defend?
The state Will Hutton is in
Dissecting a spiteful attack on British farmers