Writing lives
The life story of the biography, from Victorian glorification to Bloomsbury boldness to contemporary obliquity
Tom Stoppard’s Hampstead drama
Best not try to memorise this deceptive Connect Four of relationships — just get into the flow
The unromantic truth about tortured poets
Taylor Swift is idealising the grim realities of the lives of poets
Who edits the editor?
The bright young things of publishing want to be involved in every line of every new book
Not everyone has a novel in them
Literature is the only art in which, it seems, every neophyte is convinced they can succeed
Excessive expectations
On writers and mental health
Writing the world to rights (w/ Jo Bartosch)
Making a difference from your desk
AI and the disintegrating imagination
ChatGTP will change our relationship with writing
Dedication’s what you need
Down with the gratitude-bloat of authors’ endless lists of acknowledgements
A literary pilgrimage to a watery grave
Following in the footsteps of the author J.G. Farrell