Alexander Larman

Alexander Larman is an author and journalist. His latest book is Byron’s Women (Head of Zeus). He tweets at @alexlarman

Compared to his peers, Evelyn Waugh has not had the range or quality of adaptations that he deserves

Susan Hill’s story remains one of the most pervasively unsettling tales in the English ghost story tradition

Now that Depp has lost his libel case, it is now widely believed that his career is all but over

Alexander Larman talks to the controversial director of Oxford’s Pitt Rivers Museum

Political memoirs can be essential, eye-popping reading if the subject is handled in the right way

Private education is under threat from Oxbridge quotas and soaring fees, to the detriment of bright scholarship pupils

This biography is a testament to detailed analysis and intelligent insight, says Alexander Larman

How the rise of streaming platforms has killed home entertainment

Sir David Hare’s new BBC drama feels small-scale when we are surrounded by far more impressive real-life spectacles