Jonathan Donne
Jonathan Donne is a literary agent
Don’t judge a bookshop by its cover
Independent bookstores are often no more ethical than the big chains
Some picture-perfect restorations
What we were seeing looked as good as it would have at its premiere
Gunther Fehlinger-Jahn, European
Where does shitposting end and statesmanship begin?
The fables of Davos Man
Yuval Noah Harari has written another long book with little wisdom
The Warburg refurbished
The institute used to feel intellectually introverted
Wanted: a plan to reform the NHS
No serious party can sit out the ideological battle over the remorseless rise in public spending, including on health
Perfect victims and a tale of two films
Don’t idealise victims — listen to them
Keir’s junk politics
Keir Starmer is trying to reform the public, not the NHS
Pornhub exposed
The tenth most visited website in the world was effectively castrated by a middle-aged American mum
Out of power for half a century
As the Conservatives face the prospect of a long spell in opposition, they must heed the lessons of their predecessors