Nutkin’s Law
Why we should all eat squirrel
How to go from drunk to hunk
I turned myself from a wine-sodden, desk bound, muscleless lard mountain into a reasonably fit person. And you can too
Booker prize chumps
The inside line on the book world
The rats and cowards who brought down a Titan
Simon Heffer on the final instalment of Charles Moore’s Thatcher biography and Paul Corthorn’s ‘Enoch Powell’
Digging up Franco, burying history
The resurgent Spanish left wants to exhume the former dictator’s remains and even outlaw any favourable mention of his legacy
Rebel Rouser
Titania joins Extinction Rebellion
The theatre of inconvenience
The Old Vic’s abolition of women’s toilets is an outrage
Darren against Remain’s Goliath
Abused as a criminal and fined £20,000 by the regulator, a hero of Brexit has been vindicated
An adult view of monarchy
The artistic achievement of ‘The Crown’ has been undervalued
Who’d want to be a critic?
Criticism has died at London’s newspaper