Voter fraud is real
Britain and America are unusually vulnerable, for the same progressive reasons
Loved Bond, hated Billie
A good Bond song should include swooning strings, stabbing horns and a chorus the size of the moon, explains Sarah Ditum
An extreme form of criticism
Works by Michelangelo, Velázquez, Rodin, Rothko and Mondrian have all been vandalised for reasons of mental instability or political activism or both, informs Michael Prodger
Not child’s play…
Patrick Galbraith says hunting would benefit youngsters
C.S. Lewis, “Transposition”, and the philosophy of mind
C. S. Lewis has been revered as a writer but overlooked as a philosopher
Malcolm Arnold: The Dancing Master (Resonus)
The BBC thought Malcolm Arnold’s opera was not serious enough and a bit bawdy
Sex tips from Semele
Opera was the tinder of Renaissance Venice, says Robert Thicknesse
Recipes for conformity
Reject the joyless nursery arithmetic of cookbooks, says Felipe Fernández- Armesto
Letter from Washington: Nancy Pelosi and the coming vaccine wars
What explains the House speaker’s attack on British regulation?
Flirting with the abyss
A benign trip to hospital offered a stark reminder that consciousness hangs by a deathly thread