Patrick Kidd

Patrick Kidd writes The Times's diary and Tailender columns, and wrote the parliamentary sketch from 2015-19. His anthology of sketches is called, The Weak Are A Long Time In Politics, and is published by Biteback. He tweets at @patrick_kidd

The first England Cricket World Cup Champions

Admiring William Webb Ellis’s “fine disregard for the rules”

The pure, unappreciated entertainment of darts

The fascination with esoteric sports with quirky rules and limited spread

Cricketers stumped by Royal deaths and wet weather

Some had talent, some did not

Baron Gottfried von Cramm: the Third Reich dissident Wimbledon left behind

The trickle of sporting knighthoods has now become a flood — who will be next?

We need more silence in sport

A man with an appetite for victory, and everything else too