Robert Hutton

Robert Hutton is The Critic's parliamentary sketchwriter, and the author of Agent Jack: The True Story of MI5's Secret Nazi Hunter, Romps, Tots & Boffins, and, Would They Lie To You? He tweets at @RobDotHutton

In the future, everyone will be a WAG admin for 15 groups

The brightest and the best and the Matt and the Dido

All the takes, no mistakes. Fake news? Picture bylined views!

This must not be read within 2 metres of another sketch, unless you are in a bubble with John Crace

With friends like Tory backbenchers, who needs Cabinet colleagues?

Straighten tie, look to camera, the guys are here? Don’t smile, furrow brow, go

Jeremy Corbyn sails into deep water with the EHRC

Calm, Zen, Relaxed, Unfussed, Unagitated, Boris, Flip, Cripes, Oo-er

Madchester? Sadchester? No, Gladchester, thought Boris