Jane Austen versus virtue signalling
What Mansfield Park can tell us about contemporary politics
The death of charity?
The decline of religion and the fraying of our social fabric has made us meaner
The culture war is all around you
It is the philosophical water in which we swim
Putin must be mad
…and other lies Western elites tell themselves
The devil is in the detail
The assisted suicide bill has practical challenges to answer before it should convince us to start down a dangerous path
In defence of proselytising
We should thank religious nuts for most of the liberal rights we take for granted
Bestiality is worse than eating meat
Tom Chivers is wrong about having sex with animals
Against statelessness
Nationality rights build communities, administrative convenience ticks boxes
The language of Conservative priorities
Why does Boris want marriage to be a contract-at-will?
A certain modesty for numbers men
Hard problems don’t make behavioural science a hard science