Artillery Row
The ongoing reality of Russian imperialism
People rationalising Russian military intervention are betraying their ignorance of Russian history
Playfulness and tedium
Stravinsky, Petrushka; Debussy, Jeux and Prelude (Decca)
In memory of Lord Cormack
Britain has lost a wise and dedicated public servant
Representation gets raunchy
We have to stop the patronising pandering to communities in the name of “representation”
Why is the US facing a “crisis of credibility”?
It is a crisis that has been created by the hubris of the establishment
Why did Irish women vote No?
Tired of seeing women and mothers erased in law and policy, Ireland’s women sent a resounding message
Google has a history problem
As much as we might wish that history had been different, virtue cannot grow from the soil of falsehood
Water matters
British towns were built on rivers in more than one sense
Must we keep failing universities alive?
History is full of institutions which could not justify their own existence
Old Ireland stirs
The defeat handed to Dublin’s progressive establishment was a reminder of an older Ireland