Artillery Row

More women means more censorship, more discrimination, more advocacy — and less debate

TERF basher Dr Adrian Harrop succumbed to Twitter’s intoxicating brew of self-righteousness and disinhibition

Is party time over for the convivial Tories?

Tom Sutcliffe’s obituary of composer Stephen Sondheim was ill-judged and vindictive

The demolition of M&S on Oxford Street is indicative of a wider attitude towards interwar architecture

The gallery has long been famous for its impressionist collection, but the reopening sheds light on other works of art

Suffocated by a neurotic with-us-or-against-us mindset, the huddled masses of today’s Left brook no dissent

#debate or #nodebate, should that be a question?

Maggie Throup sticks her head above the parapet alone

The failure of Stonewall’s “no debate” strategy has given many a Wizard of Oz moment