Artillery Row

It would have been better for Simone Biles if we’d just accepted her defeat

The puritanical streak in the British character has gone into overdrive with Covid-19

To save the next generation, don’t listen to the fans

The Taliban’s grimly predictable advance is a reminder that withdrawal is not the end of Biden’s Afghanistan headache

In Brazil, the Republic has crossed the Rubicon

Boris Yeltsin’s path to the end of the Soviet Union, and the dawn of a new Russia that led, unerringly, to the despotic power we see today

We should thank religious nuts for most of the liberal rights we take for granted

Dominic Hilton spots a sniper on a balcony, has embarrassing encounters in lifts and thinks gender-neutral language would make learning Spanish a lot easier

The pride flag has ended up symbolising nothing at all

What masterpieces hide on tired and musty shelves?