Artillery Row

Cancel culture is a straitjacket on the free expression of ideas, and democracy cannot hope to function when antagonists are muzzled

Clyne’s debut record is a validation of the continuing relevance of classical form in the twenty-first century

In the final instalment of his Falklands quarantine diary, ASH Smyth gears up for the outside world after two weeks at home

How the French philosopher founded today’s social justice movement

If one judged the playwright solely on the film versions of his work, one might be forgiven for believing that he had never been particularly accomplished

Nigel Jones warns that cinematic portrayals of historical events and figures could alter how we understand the past

Jeremy Black talks to Graham Stewart about the French experience from the liberation of 1944 through to the student unrest of 1968

How has Italy’s Giuseppe Conte defied the odds and become a consequential political figure in his own right?

Christopher Silvester explains how English history could have an important part to play in Trump’s impeachment