Artillery Row

Graham Stewart on why a lot of ‘Cons Holds’ are actually too close to call

Why voters are switching off from the TV debates

Can the Tories win enough old Labour seats to compensate their losses elsewhere?

The great British opera director Jonathan Miller has died aged 85. Here is one of his last interviews

Lewis Baston on the link between coalfields and the 2019 election

Andrew Cusack remembers the apotheosis of criticism

This is the first election since Macmillan that the Tories are headlining on increasing the size of the state

Corbyn proposes the most significant transferral of power back to town halls for more than a generation

Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn make this election a hold-your-nose-and-vote contest

The PM came on one-and-a-half hours into the interrogation, by which stage some may have tuned out