
Deeply private, her elegant and sharply engaging writing has often been wrongly overlooked

Eilenberger’s design is to present philosophy outside the lecture theatre in its life-transforming power

The controversial author’s work is filled not just with anger but with autumnal regret

This progressive historian’s real charge against the monarchic institution is one of “complacency”

Some stop-gap leaders of the opposition were never intended to be potential prime ministers

Rugby league was transformed from a fringe working-class activity into part of national life

He made the tea, he forged the autographs, and only once did he run out of plectrums

Spreading fingers over a globe, not pinching them on a screen, is the best way to answer questions

A practical manual for anyone who has no choice but to sit on committees with idealistic intellectuals

All novels should be like this: stripped of the necessary but boring connective tissue