Sounding Board
Preaching to the choir
The Church will soon hit a Hartlepool moment, when people who feel politically unwelcome go elsewhere
Conflicts of interest
Labour, like the Church, may never reconcile the different views of all its supporters
The redemption we need
After a national Lent that has lasted a year, we can smell the blossom of hope
A rascal – but leave it at that
We need to mind our language when describing those with whom we disagree
Plague and pestilence
Covid-19 has reawakened the medieval superstition that bad things happen to bad people
The danger of rewriting history
There is a concerted attempt to reconstruct what children are taught about their history
Condemned to a life sentence
We treat prisoners of war better than care home residents
Tolerance? Intolerable!
National debate used to be encouraged by the Anglican state — but those days are fast disappearing
The courage to defeat Evil
Why are people fighting a long-dead slave trade rather than resisting the triumph of a real one?
Bishops’ different hymnsheet
The Church of England has worked to broaden its diversity of background, but its diversity of opinion has declined