Sounding Board
Blessed are the poor? Really?
Why won’t the wealthy C of E help impoverished parishes?
Uganda’s horrific anti-homosexuality law
Christians must stand against the Church of Uganda over its support for a horrific law
The middle classes are revolting
When barristers and doctors go on strike, revolution isn’t far away
Pray for the republicans
Rejoice in the sheer religiosity of the Coronation. It places the King above the political fray
Human nature
We must understand our vices as well as our virtues
Treasure-houses of the nation
Britain needs to decide on the future of our great churches — and what we want them to be
Back to reality
Objective truth is critically important. It is one of the greatest defences of our liberty
Make a spectacle of oneself
Don’t skimp on the coronation; the monarchy is a drama that speaks to all our hearts
Making the moral case for war
Ukrainians face slaughter and subjugation. Church leaders must back them unequivocally
Wining and dining = reconciling
If turbulent priests can reach an accord over food and drink, then so can politicians