
Lisa Hilton asks whether Twitter mobs should be able to police the imagination of novelists and playwrights

W. Sydney Robinson, the historian’s latest biographer, discovered that his subject was without scruple in matters of the heart

Bullfighting was a lifelong fascination for Francis Bacon and played an increasingly important role in his work, his high-risk approach matching that of the matador

Charles Saumarez Smith says we should acknowledge the Nazi past of architect Philip Johnson, not erase him

Nick Cohen on the ill-starred but seductive love affair between writers and alcohol

Lincoln Allison is moved by a cache of his father’s wartime love letters and what they reveal about conflict, his parents’ relationship — and a huge generational chasm

Bad times at the Grey Lady

Nigel Jones recalls the time he spent in the home of the legendary German writer Ernst Jünger

The sport is now characterised by the conditioned reflex of dishonesty, the bleating of the wronged

A confidential matter: the letters of Richard Strauss and Stefan Zweig, 1931-1935