Eating In

Hunting for the pot is now strictly a hobby, but you can fake it, says Felipe Fernández-Armesto

There is a way to serve pasta and potatoes — with garlic

Celebrate the return of normal life, but choose your guests with care

Forget hoary folk tales and savour plump herring at its best, says Felipe Fernández-Armesto

Explore the splendid panoply of egg recipes for an Easter, feast, says Felipe Fernández-Armesto

Forget fads such as veganism, and instead eat simply and well says Felipe Fernández-Armesto

Choose ambience over aphrodisiacs for Valentine’s Day says Felipe Fernández-Armesto

A pared-back Christmas means we can at last bin the big bird, says Felipe Fernández-Armesto

Felipe Fernández-Armesto says MPs should pay their dues in the kitchen

Reject the joyless nursery arithmetic of cookbooks, says Felipe Fernández- Armesto