Results for "philip larkin"

This selection of new fiction is marked by both novelty and tradition

A trio of novels that are connected by their surprising manner of finding their way to us

Why Oxfam bookshops, as tremendous as they are, may be the end of the second-hand bookseller

Rest assured that these types had it considerably worse than you, says Alexander Larman

John Self says that while writing has always been seen as a vocation, the characters many authors care most about are the ones printed on their royalty statements

The relationship between J.M. Barrie and the real life Peter Pan was fatherly, friendly and perhaps something else

Reviews of Martin Amis’s new book prove that the best questions are the ones that no one asks

What does it take for an author to become idolised way beyond their literary merit?

We should change the way we commemorate our war dead

Daniel Johnson says that Clive James’s enduring legacy is his verse