Has trench warfare on trans issues come to an end?
Good things can come out of junked changes to the GRA
A Chancellor should be a fine thing
The University of Oxford’s Chancellor election has descended into farce
The right to learn at home
Home education is a powerful alternative to the box-ticking of state schooling
Hoorah for winter!
Life comes alive again in October when you can start anticipating proper National Hunt racing
Fleeing Sally Rooney’s god
Why have critics been ignoring one of the novelist’s most important themes?
Wanted: a plan to reform the NHS
No serious party can sit out the ideological battle over the remorseless rise in public spending, including on health
Killing with kindness
Sentimentality and euphemism cloak the cause of assisted suicide
Ireland must accept the Cass Review
The Republic is ignoring the disturbing evidence about youth transition
The Democratic Party deserves Donald Trump
Its arrogance and complacency have been exposed
Only the truly privileged can be cultural relativists
It is easy not to judge appalling cultural practices from a distance
The esoterica trap
We should not pollute good causes with unreliable information