AI is a terrible poet
It has no sense for true meaning and beauty in language
An intelligent book on AI? Very nearly
The threat from AI comes from humans placing too much faith in complex but fallible systems
Imaginary friends
The idea of a synthetic companion that knows everything about you goes well beyond friendship
Amicus curAI?
The implementation of AI into the judicial process must be handled with care
The sadness of AI boyfriends
Technology can make romance frictionless and sterile
Dancing with ghosts
A journey into the ABBA: Voyage experience
Spies and butterflies
We should prepare for new modern forms of espionage
Britain must not overregulate AI
Staying competitive in the modern world depends on balancing its opportunities and its risks
The EU is overregulating AI
Caution and control are being overemphasised above economic and technological opportunity
AI and the great data robbery
Silicon Valley has stolen huge amounts of original material in order to “train” its GPT models