The Church of England has failed on gender
To pursue kindness at the expense of truth is self-defeating
The Church of England is practicing a secular religion
Equality, diversity and inclusion can be prioritised over religious faith
The failure of Anglican managerialism
The decline in church attendance is a symptom of deeper problems than poor management
The road to Wigan’s tears
The Church’s drive to remake itself has been a pastoral and financial catastrophe
Blessed are the poor? Really?
Why won’t the wealthy C of E help impoverished parishes?
Treasure-houses of the nation
Britain needs to decide on the future of our great churches — and what we want them to be
What church for what England?
The difficult future of the C of E
I reserve the right to upset you
Only idiots think we should succumb to the special pleading of intolerant majorities
A time for Anglican Royalism
The renewal of British tradition
Why the Church fails to get answers from above
The Anglican hierarchy is obsessed with management structures over the real issues of morality, theology and falling congregations