Let’s start a cat flap
Why do cute predators get a pass from conservationists?
On the death of pets
It is not losing a human, but it is losing a loved one
Itchen for fishing
Good fishing, books and beer remind us that not everything is awful
Cancel the train drivers
Brexiteers, transphobes, racists and right-wingers — but I repeat myself
The joy of pets
Pet ownership is one of life’s simple pleasures, but it also lifts the soul
Backing horses
Britain should value a homegrown success story
A teenager, strangers and a pair of apes
Spend time inside the mind of your most eccentric, sometimes maddening friend
Is nature non-binary?
Enby birds and promiscuous plants are all part of a long history of dragging humans down to the level of beasts
Gunning for shooting
Why field sports are so misunderstood
Lions, lies and legislation
The harms of trophy hunting have been exaggerated