Book Review
All aboard the ship of self-improvement
Why did NYU withdraw its support before the Floating University had left port?
The lives of Mary Magdalene
A fine book explores her life and afterlife
Effective affinities
Moral philosophy, the individual and the future
Liberalism’s lion
Christopher Hitchens remains unforgettable
All action, no abstraction
On the hunks and lunks who dominated two decades of Hollywood
The lovelorn lady who broke the rules
A romantic forced by peculiar privilege into perpetual masquerade
Searching for a radical alternative
Two new titles join a burgeoning chorus of populist lament
A massacre of straw men
Kehinde Andrews is not a serious reviewer
Missing a slam dunk
Cleopatra is not a terrible movie, but this failed Hollywood history is
A stirring tale of delicious complexity
From the Mongols’ conquest of Persia to their defeat by the Mamluks