Book Review

As the days quicken and the shadows lengthen, our thoughts turn naturally to murder

Human Frontiers is an entertaining, zippy read but it feels one layer down from its ostensible subject: big ideas

This book will be valuable as much for Eastern Europe specialists as for the general reader

It is a hardened atheist who does not ask a few favours of God as he fixes his bayonet

Mr Heffer has produced a monumental second volume on Henry ‘Chips’ Channon to match his first

Here are three of our most praised writers with new offerings written during one or more lockdowns and that also take in the pandemic in their subject matter

This magnificent one volume history details the tumultuous days of the Indian army in the jungles of Burma

We need heavyweights to separate good from bad

The Genetic Lottery is not the only book published this summer to tackle controversial topics in biology

Tirthankar Roy dismisses both nationalist tropes about evil colonialists and imperial assumptions of benevolent liberal intervention