Boris Johnson
Sporting Prime Ministers
Some had talent, some did not
A pair of presidential PMs
Is Boris Johnson reminiscent of Churchill or a very different PM?
Lavender letters
Bozza has left the building
Johnson’s disrespect for the law
The PM repeatedly showed a cavalier attitude towards constitutional conventions
Bush and Boris: separated at birth?
Boris aped Dubya’s mistakes
What is good in life, Theresa?
All good things come to an end; and Boris too
The Chronicles of Borisland
A magical land where it is always summer and nobody ever has to resign
Old tunes remastered
Penny, Liz and Boris — still rocking the political moshpit
Lend them your years
Sunak has come not to bury Boris, but to praise him
Britain’s constitutional knowledge crisis
Rory Stewart’s ignorance smells of Remainer entitlement