Brexit deal
ERG ‘star chamber’ concludes that the Agreement restores British sovereignty
Boris Johnson’s deal has succeeded where Theresa May’s deal failed to convince the ERG’s spartans
Magic moments
A bomb dropped into the frightful world of mid-Victorian musical entertainment
The Critic
No they haven’t put the mag on the silver screen just yet, but its still worth watching
Making a mockery of Labour
The ministers just can’t yet do chaos like the Tories could
Reparate good times, come on!
The Critic’s Extremely Factual Guide to Slavery Reparations the UK Most Definitely Owes
We should have the freedom to criticise Islam
Religious freedom entails the right to criticise a belief system as well as to adhere to it
How the Tories can win again
The new leader of the Conservatives must reach an important, ignored sector
It is good to challenge kids
That which makes us anxious can also make us strong