
Babs was a uniquely British actress and comedian whose true worth, thankfully, was realised comparatively early in her long career

James Jeffrey explains why he won’t be signing up for a BLM-mandated commune anytime soon

David Fincher’s eleventh film is his most personal and revealing yet

Forty years on from the death of John Lennon, Dominic Green recounts the tormented life of the last universal Western icon

As Coronation Street celebrates its diamond jubilee, is it time to take it seriously as the chronicler of our times?

Contemporary feminist art theory: little help in understanding a seventeenth century artist

Why Peter O’Toole’s 1980 performance at the Old Vic is remembered for all the wrong reasons

Through history, Mermaids have been treated as more real than legendary, even by those who have had a reputation to uphold

Norman Leberecht laments not being able to give the Oslo Philharmonic the five stars they deserve

The hunger for policing thoughts as well as bodies hasn’t been eradicated, as recent events in New Zealand show