Donald Tusk
The meaning of the battle for Polish Television
The “liberal” suspension of the rule of law should concern us all
Let Poland be Poland
Westerners are treating the country as a blank ideological canvas
Cultural appropriation is here to stay
So-called cultural appropriation is an American obsession, cheerfully ignored by a fast globalising world
The British state is failing to protect women
Misogyny, rape and sectarian violence go increasingly unchallenged in the UK
Britain isn’t the Balkans
The UK is not, despite heated rhetoric, on the brink of sectarian violence. But it is heading in the wrong direction
Labour’s move to ban speech on abortion won’t stop outside clinics
All dissent on the subject is being problematised if not criminalised
A real education
We need a revolution in the way we teach, the curriculum, extracurriculars and funding
The final death of left v. right?
Old political categories are losing their value
Fun in the sun
Summer finally appeared for the most civilised drinks event of the season
Keir’s junk politics
Keir Starmer is trying to reform the public, not the NHS
Messing with the master’s work
Beethoven: Emperor Concerto; Brett Dean: A Winter’s Journey (Orchid)
Digital killed the analogue man
Despite the seductions of the virtual, we can’t escape our bodies
British broadcasting capitulation
Editorial standards have been thrown out, and anti-white discrimination embraced at the BBC