Free Speech

Paul du Quenoy offers an appreciation of the late scholar and free speech advocate James R. Flynn

China’s leaders are growing impatient as they seek to shape world opinion

Even though the Chinese English-language news channel can be pretty poisonous, Andrew Tettenborn questions whether it should be banned

Cancel culture is a straitjacket on the free expression of ideas, and democracy cannot hope to function when antagonists are muzzled

In adopting “social justice” ideology, Oxford’s Medical School risks taking a dangerous turn away from science and reason

If Gab’s ideal of freedom is defined by Christian Reconstructionists and fascist philosophers, then free speech will be the means, rather than the end, of the reconstruction of social media

Insult for its own sake is childish and banal, but the ability to strongly criticise any creed is absolutely vital in a healthy democracy

The removal of Parler from app stores has made it clear that online opinions exist at the sufferance of those providing the soap box

There is no reason why broadcasters should not be like newspapers: free to say what they like, within the law

Is it actually the function of our cultural institutions to reflect society as divided into arbitrary interest groups; and, even so, is it any business of the state, acting through Ofcom?