Free Speech

On the second day of Maya Forstater’s appeal, Josephine Bartosch says victory would result in heterodox thinkers breathing a sigh of relief

Face the problem as it is — the modern academy is running on different train-tracks to liberal humanist thinking

In a new lecture for Gresham College, Ivan Hare QC discusses the law’s attempts to deal with hatred and vilification throughout history

The cowardice of senior staff at Batley Grammar should be a lesson to all educationalists about the importance of defending open discussion

In a warning to teachers around the world, one American teacher opens up about the invasion of woke orthodoxy in the education sector

The drift of the ACLU is symptomatic of a wider problem among American progressives

Where were all the free-speech warriors when a Labour candidate sent an antisemitic tweet?

Simon Evans says Andrew Doyle’s book is the toolkit you need to think about at least one side of this debate

With a stroke of the legislative pen, Holyrood has made Scotland the most stringent regulator of speech in the UK

If you’re looking for the enemies of free speech, you’re looking the wrong way, argues Robert Poll