Home Secretary
Braverman’s dilemma
The Home Secretary was in an impossible situation, with Number 10 wanting the rhetoric of action without the substance
A new low for women’s sport
The International Olympic Committee has disgraced itself
You can’t beat the left at its own game
Conservative attempts to reverse leftist victimology are doomed to fail
My Magyar dish
A dish that combines gravity with tradition, but is cheekily unorthodox
The blame game
Some terrible villain has made the Conservative Party unpopular. But who could it be?
The intimacy of thoughts
An excess of technology burdens a cerebral adaptation
Bad tradwife manifesto
From have it all feminism to tradwife influencers, women are being given impossible ideals and taught to refuse limitations
The stories of a cemetery
There is much to learn about human life in a graveyard
Irreversible damage
Trans “healthcare” has been utterly discredited, but activists are undeterred by the evidence
What women have lost
How can women focus on traditional feminist issues when spiteful men are demanding to be included?
The Golden Age of jockeys
Ryan Moore is most racing professionals’ idea of the best jockey in the world