We apologise for the inconvenience to your journey
Against the neutralisation of harm
It’s not happening, and that’s why it’s good
The case for not Having A Normal One
In defence of traditional swearing
And against the cult of “cockwomble”
Language, truth and logic
Talking to Stella Creasy is never easy
Danger: semantic engineers at work
The institutionalisation of gender-neutral language is designed to change how we think, feel and act
Slang vs Woke: the final judgment
Everyone wants what should be. But there is no “should be”. There is only what is.
How we can — and must — win the war on language
Howdy, partner
On the least erotic noun in the English language
Stop calling everything porn
Diluting the meaning of a word disguises the harm of the real thing
Acronyms are one of the means by which bureaucracies hide or obfuscate what they do