Explaining the Boriswave
How and why the Conservatives betrayed their voters on immigration
The failure of the Irish nerve
Politicians are not acting and the public are not forcing them to act
How the West fell out of love with mass migration
Restrictionist opinion is breaking through the establishment cordon sanitaire
Three decades of broken promises on immigration
Time and time again, Labour and the Conservatives have failed to deliver on their pledges
The NHS need not depend on immigration
The shortage of British trainees is the result of a political choice
Immigration is still the elephant in the room
Violence is appalling, yet we have to understand the conditions from which it emerged
Small boats and big problems
The asylum issue is not going away, and Keir Starmer must face it soon
Germany is acknowledging the unspeakable
A pattern of criminality is shattering taboos
Did we get Brexit done?
Brexit is unfinished, yes, but the potential is enormous
Poland’s border crisis belongs to the rest of Europe too
A soldier’s tragic death has exacerbated tensions on the border with Belarus