
Backbenchers in the Tory party are gradually turning their private frustrations into rebel votes

Tibor Fischer in Budapest muses on Hungary’s fractious political alliance

Political memoirs can be essential, eye-popping reading if the subject is handled in the right way

Lockdown interrupted terrorism, but the post-lockdown West is more permissive

Graham Stewart talks to Jeremy Black about how the power of the US president has been exercised since the Second World War.

Louise Perry believes the old political labels are irrelevant for feminists

American conservatives and Polish liberals are both right about abortion law. It should be a matter for elected politicians, not Supreme Courts

Greece survived the world’s worst post-2008 economic crisis and the heaviest refugee burden without yielding to far-right populism. Why?

The British Library’s new exhibition on feminism is like being hit with a rolled-up copy of Spare Rib