Scottish Unity
Can George Galloway keep Scotland British?
The Alliance 4 Unity is the wildcard in Scottish politics
The first female President will be Republican
American conservatives are far less averse to assertive women than the political left
The US is getting what it wants in the Middle East
Israeli escalations against Hezbollah are not defiance but an extension of U.S. strategy
Why is the BBC so obsessed with drag?
Incessant coverage of drag shows and drag queens has become something of a running joke
The new equality bar
Is the Bar Standards Council really fit to enforce a proposed raft of new equality rules?
Tom Stoppard’s Hampstead drama
Best not try to memorise this deceptive Connect Four of relationships — just get into the flow
Am I prepared to help my mum die?
Euthanasia poses impossible questions about life and death
Reparate good times, come on!
The Critic’s Extremely Factual Guide to Slavery Reparations the UK Most Definitely Owes
A captivating northern star
If Lise Davidsen sneezes, the opera world shuts down
The right to learn at home
Home education is a powerful alternative to the box-ticking of state schooling
Don’t bite the hand that feeds the birds
The government’s flawed biodiversity analysis endangers successful state-funded schemes
Not a dull phrase
Ethel Smyth: 2nd sonata &c (Delphian)