Social Issues
Mining the past
There is a deep appetite among Britain’s television audience for dramas that tackle complicated social issues
Procedural Man
The Process is good, the Process is correct, no matter what, trust the Process
The personal has become far too political
Something has gone very wrong when we are acutely aware of politics
The state Will Hutton is in
Dissecting a spiteful attack on British farmers
We are missing the important point on procurement
Systemic dysfunction is far more important than individual failures
Gender identity ideology is undermining healthcare
There is nothing “gender-affirming” about having cancer
Have we been barking up the wrong tree?
Mark Rowlands believes that humans have a lot to learn from dogs
Franco-Irish vigour
Augusta Holmès: Symphonic poems (CPO)
British industry has forgotten how to use its voice
Corporate cowards are not standing up to the government
Francis Bacon’s visceral language
Pain and pleasure are never far away in these portraits