It’s Trussonomics – and you ain’t seen nothing yet!
Introducing Kwasi Kwarteng, master of counter-intuitive thinking
Why Labour doesn’t understand the gender wars
Keir Starmer’s confusion on gender is the result of years of cowardice
Don’t shoot the piano man
A silent film pianist was blacklisted from the BFI for supporting J.K. Rowling
Let publishers publish
The protracted corporate decision-making process is stifling the books industry
Ozi the Orangutan is no Winnie-the-Pooh
A misguided attack on palm oil production is enough to make you facepalm
Southport and the inescapability of politics
There is nothing essentially wrong with talking about immigration
Britain needs an actual leader of the opposition
Rishi Sunak is doing nothing to hold Keir Starmer to account
It’s OK to be angry about socialism
It is perverse that this chronic failure of an ideology endures
The fallacy of “British values”
Nationhood cannot be reduced to abstractions
Twilight of the gods
The eclipse of the gilded 1980s generation can be seen as a welcome changing of the guard
The day #FBPE delusions died
Europeans have shifted rightwards — and no one should be surprised