Out of this world?
A fevered year of Covid and Trump has produced a record spike in UFO sightings
The downfall of the podcast-industrial complex
How did some of our finest podcasters get the election so wrong?
Choosing enemies wisely
China manifestly wishes to avenge her past humiliation at Western hands
All gone to look for America
The show is a mishmash, in need of some pruning and a sharper edge
What is behind the ECHR debate?
We should stop pretending that moral disagreements can be reduced to technical debates
Too many silences in this book about music
The hazy treatment of what “music” even entails falls flat
Dissertations and their discontents
PhD funding is a valid subject for debate but social media mobs are not the answer
The authorities are inept sheriffs of social media
Politicians, the police and the judiciary should stop trying to control a landscape they do not understand
The Democratic Party deserves Donald Trump
Its arrogance and complacency have been exposed