
The Deer Hunter remains the most affecting of Vietnam movies, Christopher Silvester writes

Adam LeBor has found one of the most immersive, and exhausting, experiences television has to offer

And what is the relationship between war and the state? With Nick Timothy and Jeremy Black

Seventy-five years ago this month, peace finally came to a destroyed Europe

Syria’s civil war is the latest grisly chapter in more than a millennium of conflict

US women could be about to achieve a level of equality not all of them actually want, by becoming eligible to be drafted in a time of war

Afghanistan is a general disaster which touches everyone and was enabled by everyone

The leaked “Afghanistan Papers” tell a story of cover-ups at every level of America’s longest war. But can we really expect anything different?

This was not supposed to happen. Not in the year 2029. A nuclear war, millions dead, firestorms, irradiated cities. How did we get here?